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Re: Calling it quits

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 2 2014 3:56 PM (5 replies)
  • Keetho
    10 Posts
    Sat, Mar 1 2014 10:50 PM

    Is it true that only one user is allowed per home internet address? If so, what if someone wanted to quit, erase all records and achievements, just vanish and start all over again with a new user identity? Is that accomplished easily? Can you explain how to go about it? Like many video games i've played, that first taste, the unknown that lies ahead, the mystery of the game are always my fondest memories, and given the chance to start over and do it a little different the next time around would be worth losing all my current progress. I want to wipe the slate clean, come back totally anonymous and try it all over, how do i go about it?

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 2:18 PM

    You can contact WGT directly and request to start over. They have some early restrictions on the new identity but they have allowed some people to do it.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 2:24 PM

    Like many video games i've played, that first taste, the unknown that lies ahead, the mystery of the game are always my fondest memories, and given the chance to start over and do it a little different the next time around would be worth losing all my current progress.

    Anyone else struggling with this sentence? It seems to contradict itself.

  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 2:48 PM

    i'm not being funny but you haven't really progressed that far anyway, i would think you still have many unknowns that lie ahead as it is

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 3:47 PM


    Is it true that only one user is allowed per home internet address? If so, what if someone wanted to quit, erase all records and achievements, just vanish and start all over again with a new user identity? Is that accomplished easily? Can you explain how to go about it? Like many video games i've played, that first taste, the unknown that lies ahead, the mystery of the game are always my fondest memories, and given the chance to start over and do it a little different the next time around would be worth losing all my current progress. I want to wipe the slate clean, come back totally anonymous and try it all over, how do i go about it?

    Cmon man . you are just getting started . Lvl 34 Amatuer , I have more balls in the water , than you have time in the game . If you want something new , just keep playing . This game is a never ending , forever learning process . I`m a level 96 Legend , and still learning every day . This game has more mysteries , than a Sherlock Holmes story . So keep your head up . All that you have to do to see something new , is just keep playing . But becareful what you ask for , because here you will truly get it . :-)


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 3:56 PM

    Does it have anything to do with the WGT shadow pic ?