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Re: Bad Language

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 18 2014 7:41 PM (5 replies)
  • Bill3574
    67 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:01 PM

    Went to join in a multiplayer game and while searching I found one but no one else joined us so we played head up. I said GL and he said GL and we played about 4 holes until he started doing bad on his shots and he told me *** this game and *** you. I do not like being disrespected in that manner shows bad sportsmanship plus not only did I block him from any of my games , I think WGT ought to banned them for 30 days at least for what they say on the chat line. The player name wasxxxxxx. This is not the first time this has happened either.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:13 PM

    I have found that playing (ONLY) with my fellow CC members eliminates the problem. Why play against strangers?

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:17 PM

    Well, you're not supposed to put name's out there.  But, oh well.

    People are rude and mean.  Not much more you can do.

    Hit me up sometime for a game at St. Andy's

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Mar 18 2014 2:42 AM


    I am sorry you had to go through that.

    if someone breaks the rules, please take screenshots and email them to so we can take a look


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Mar 18 2014 7:41 PM

    Why not put a save chat option , which can also send directly to wgt , on the spot . Fix it just like the replay options , without the run around . Players shouldnt have to take screen shots , and send emails , for things like this . Once its applied to the game , this kind of foolishness would stop . It seems though , that for as long as this has been going on , ,WGT would have a better way to handle this , by now .