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Re: Clapping Gallery

Mon, Mar 31 2014 1:11 AM (4 replies)
  • TTEST47
    18 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 7:52 PM

    The clapping gallery for birdies (and eagles) is a great new addition to WGT. More criteria should be established for additional use of this neat sound effect, i.e. sinking a long put, recovery from a sand trap to within 1 foot of the pin, second shot to the green within 10 feet (similar to the heart beat for closest to hole tourneys), etc. Maybe some oohs and ahs where long puts are missed within an inch or two. I know, somebody will probably suggest a few curses  when a bad shot is hit.....but let's keep it clean.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 8:25 PM


    The clapping gallery for birdies (and eagles) is a great new addition to WGT. More criteria should be established for additional use of this neat sound effect, i.e. sinking a long put, recovery from a sand trap to within 1 foot of the pin, second shot to the green within 10 feet (similar to the heart beat for closest to hole tourneys), etc. Maybe some oohs and ahs where long puts are missed within an inch or two. I know, somebody will probably suggest a few curses  when a bad shot is hit.....but let's keep it clean.



    Does your ego know no bounds?

    At the very minimum if ANY of that is adopted we must have a way of opting out of such childish trivia!


  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 8:35 PM

    I have to agree with you, John.  If it were actually simulating a golf crowd it would be different. But, to me, its like 3-6 people who have the enthusiasm of a crowd at karaoke bar before drinks are served. 

    And I agree that there should be a separate volume bar like with the environment sounds to where you can turn it off.

    Its nice that WGT would try and make it a more pleasant game, but, lets get real, fix the problems within the game instead of adding a something that's annoying.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 11:58 PM

    +2 John!

    This has been a subject in another well-known golf game 12 and more years ago. Three differently more or less enthusiastic clapping files for Par, Birdie and Eagle get worn out once you play multiple rounds. You just get used to it like the reporter's comments, one of them "He split the fairway!"

    I don't need these "enhancements".

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 1:11 AM

    Before a new update for this useless audience sound WGT should fix (if I can control a thing it must be broken) the audio option adding a flag or a modulator for the clapping noise and of course without going to affect those already existing and functioning.

    It will be a good idea if it will be fix the base one.
