difersencia 30, 60 150 Ft ?
difersencia 30 ft - 60ft = 30 ft.
difersencia 60 ft -150 ft = 90 ft.
Scale at 30 - put of 100% of scale, ball travels 30 ft
JimbeauC: Scale at 30 - put of 100% of scale, ball travels 30 ft etc
Full 30 scale will travel 40ft on tourny speed greens.... depending on slope.
Adrianslovenske: difersencia 30, 60 150 Ft ?
Hit @ 50% your 60 ft putter will travel the same yardage as your 30 ft putter hit @ 100%
Try yardage + or - elevation and divide by 1.35 for Legend greens..you'll be close on the flat.
For a 40 foot putt,I use 30foot putter at 92% power...and run it by 8 feet...BECAUSE IM STILL A LOUSY PUTTER ARGHH.;-D