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Re: Game Improvement Ideas

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Mon, Dec 29 2014 4:17 PM (9 replies)
  • tlerose
    11 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 8:13 AM

    1st my complaint, its very frustrating to use  different equipment, or balls and see absolutely no game improvement results.  I finally get my dream conditions & shot with a ding on a par 3 I play allot that should have got me close to being a hole in one; but, I ended up in the exact same place as when I only had starter wedges. So far, buying better equipment & balls has not greatly improved my gameplay.  So I ask myself why buy it.

    2.  Can our note pads have an icon or color added when we make an entry; so we know what holes we have notes on?


    4. I am tired of cardboard fairways & concrete like greens.  Can fairways be at 10-15% to simulate a grass like surface? Do the greens really have to be so fast & hard that the ball rarely stays on it?  

    5.  I would like to practice putting on some of the difficult greens, or from bunkers or weeds, so we can learn to be experts.  Certain greens always give me problems, I would sure like practicing on them, keep putting until you make it, then respawn on a different spot on the green??  

    This is why I play allot but rarely complete a game, there are certain holes I am trying to learn because I always get a bogey or worse. 

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 12:23 PM

    1. As I have upgraded clubs/ball my scoring average has gone down in part because of better club/ball performance. So based on my experience upgrading your clubs/ball does help you lower your scoring.

    2. I use a notebook included with a $3 - Shot/Putter Pal aid from a pay-1-time supplier - VGG Caddy 

    3. All players can add top or back spin to the ball, but no side spin. This is not an online billiards game. However, you can use the slope on or around a green to manage the roll of the ball to the left or right relative to the hole. Hitting early or late relative to the Ding!/Excellent line and choice of the aim point can also be used to draw(hook)/fade(slice) the line of the ball flight in lieu of using the ball spin dot side-to-side.

    4. St. Andrews has the fastest fairways, and other course's fairways are noticeably slower. With the driver and 3 wood I use I can stop shots on just about any green if I use full back spin and am not shooting down wind or landing the ball on a down slope. Oakmont's, for Legends, 299 yard par 3 where we hit Driver to the green is an example

    5. You can practice putting on the green of your choice by playing a Practice round on the course that green is part of, and using the Mulligan feature.

    Read through the Game Tips forum posts and the Game Help forum.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Apr 4 2014 12:27 PM
    Join a good country club and ask lots of questions.
  • MDWa
    23 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 1:25 AM

    I agree with everything you have said. I still have a suggestion to even improve your game even more. Why cant we see better views of the greens?That would help tremendously. I have been in situations where I dont know if I should try and run the ball up to the hole or try to put a little spin on the ball,its hard to know where to aim at when I can only see an aerial view of the green, and to add a suggestion to the putting I would and chipping why is the view we see off to one side shouldnt we stand right behind the ball??just asking because I am not understanding why we cant have view that make more sense?

  • tlerose
    11 Posts
    Fri, Nov 7 2014 7:23 AM

    billards game, no i also play ea games Tiger woods golf where you can place a sideways spin.  This game spins the ball like a top when you putt and that's a little crazy for me.

  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 10:51 AM

    concrete greens? You want to make the greens softer than they currently are? They are already like Velcro!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 10:58 AM


    I agree with everything you have said. I still have a suggestion to even improve your game even more. Why cant we see better views of the greens?That would help tremendously. I have been in situations where I dont know if I should try and run the ball up to the hole or try to put a little spin on the ball,its hard to know where to aim at when I can only see an aerial view of the green, and to add a suggestion to the putting I would and chipping why is the view we see off to one side shouldnt we stand right behind the ball??just asking because I am not understanding why we cant have view that make more sense?


    because these views are made up of HD shots instead of cgi/graphics, we are limited in what we can provide, since it's based on the shots we have when we photographed the course.


  • VamboRools
    260 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 1:02 PM


    concrete greens? You want to make the greens softer than they currently are? They are already like Velcro!

    Velcro ????  That's expensive stuff.....what a rip-off.

  • MDWa
    23 Posts
    Sun, Dec 28 2014 12:57 AM

    ok I am confused now approximately 70-80% of the views you get when you putt are great you are directly behind the ball and then other times the only view you get is where you are 3 ft. to the side of the ball?? why is this?? I am not very computer say so the hd shots comment went over my head. I'm guessing what you are saying is you don't have the graphics capability as say a video game(xbox)  or something like that.


    On another note I read about a bug or possible bug with low shots instead of high lofty ones.

    would this be considered a glitch-- wind is blowing left to right at 10-12 mph I move the arrow approximately 30-40 ft. to the left and then accidentally click way early. the ball lands about 30 ft. to the right of the flag.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 4:17 PM


    ok I am confused now approximately 70-80% of the views you get when you putt are great you are directly behind the ball and then other times the only view you get is where you are 3 ft. to the side of the ball?? why is this?? 

    The Kiawah Ocean Course has most of those types of putting views.

    Kiawah was the 1st WGT course and apparently WGT only planned on having 1 hole placement per hole.

    So it seems when they later decided to add a 2nd hole placement to each hole on Kiawah they didn't have enough photographs made at the right angle for the 2nd hole positions. 

    In some instances there simply was not a place they could set the camera without constructing some kind of platform.

    WGT spends a couple of weeks disrupting normal operations at the golf courses so they can make the 200,000 to 300,000 photographs needed to put together the 18 hole courses we have available to play.