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Re: Upgrade from Windows 8.0 to 8.1 and now have spacer problems

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 25 2014 1:09 PM (1 replies)
  • EGO612
    5 Posts
    Sat, Apr 19 2014 5:44 PM

    Hi, I know wgt is aware of the spacer problems for Google Chrome, but yesterday when I was using Windows 8.0, the spacer bar was working. Now it does not work. (I am using IE 11.0)

    I am guessing that maybe there is something wrong with the flash player. Has anyone else had the same problem and how can this be fixed. Remember, it is not a Google Chrome issue.

    OBTW, some time ago, a legend mentioned that he fixed his spacer problem in Google Chrome, by  going into his flash player and changed some setting. I am surprized that WGT hasn't made any mention about the flash player stuff.....

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Apr 25 2014 1:09 PM

    I upgraded  from Win 8  to 8.1 and have no problems with spacebar.  I use Comodo Dragon browser though.  Haven't tried Google Chrome (well, not since getting my WIN 8 laptop and desktop, both of which I upgraded to 8.1) and won't even attempt playing WGT with IE any version.