I believe that to say one particular driver / ball combination is better than another on any given day is just ludicrous. I usually use a black L93 R1 with Tour SD balls and, generally, my drives are 5-15 yds shorter than others with R1's and longer balls, and equal or better than anyone else. That said, I've had more than a few rounds when I've consistently outdriven folks with R1's & black RZN's and, conversely, was thoroughly humiliated once by a TL with a G20 & upper level Cally's who consistently outwallopped every R1 in the group by 20-30 yds. At St. Andrews, regardless of wind. Go figure! In my opinion, there are just so many variables ( player ability, spin, wind, a particular hole's conditions, VEM, etc, etc) that make a side by side comparison over a round or 2 completely meaningless.