I play this game all the time and don't seem to get any rewards except slight advancement of rank. It would be nice to occasionally earn some credits but I can't compete with the others because I don't seem to be able to lower my average below 75. Any tips on how to proceed?
1. Sort your clubs out, get rid of the hybrid and get three evenly spaced wedges (ATV or Clevelands are generally accepted as the best), but plan ahead, (unless you're flush with cash) look at the set of irons you're planning to end up with, look at the distance of the PW in that set then buy three wedges evenly spaced below that PW. Look at the clubs the top players use, if you want to get to that level it's a good idea to plan on getting those clubs.
2. NOTES! I cannot emphasise this enough, real world golfers take lots of notes, (usually carried by their caddies though) and almost ALL the top players in WGT do the same. You need to note down every shot, but especially putts and approach shots, distance, spin, wind direction and strength, and what the ball did. Over time these notes will build up until you have a bank of experience you can resort to when (note when not if) you need to play that shot again. This really is, to me, the absolute top tip, I just wish I'd listened to it earlier in my career.
3. Map your clubs, ALL of them, you need to know what every club will do with all types of spin and using ALL the shots. That will change with each type of ball you use so pick a good ball that you can afford and suits your game and stick to it.
This may sound 'difficult' and it is a lot of work, plenty of people play 'by feel' which is fine, but I'm just saying that is MUCH more difficult than notes and planning, to play 'by feel' you need the memory of a herd of elephants and innate skills I just couldn't dream of acquiring.