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Mon, May 5 2014 2:03 PM (7 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 7:52 AM

    Can someone anyone explain this God forsaken ball to me. RZN Black ball, I have went and mapped it with 1-3 MPH wind . I go to Pine Hurst and the damn thing is all over the place. 

    I have tried fbs,3/4 bs 1/2 bs ns what does this ball need to get it's distance

    I know my wind cal. or pretty darn close.


    Come on guys need some help here

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 8:22 AM

    If they cost more credits and you play worse with them, why use them? Best advice I can offer is to ditch the expensive vanity ball and go back to something dependable.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 8:44 AM

    I am very very low on credits, and was very lucky to win a CC tourney that payed out balls ,and I got those. I still have 9 left. 

    It has to be a playable ball , Dan , BB, Stevenharkin just to name a few use them. I also figured the extra distance would help at PH

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 9:00 AM


    Give us yellow Callaways.

    FTFY  G.  hehehehehe


    I haven't had the "pleasure" to try out the L90 RZN Blacks,  too costly for my virtual budget.


    Maybe if they came in yellow.  ;-)

  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 9:36 AM


    Can someone anyone explain this God forsaken ball to me. RZN Black ball, I have went and mapped it with 1-3 MPH wind . I go to Pine Hurst and the damn thing is all over the place. 

    I have tried fbs,3/4 bs 1/2 bs ns what does this ball need to get it's distance

    I know my wind cal. or pretty darn close.


    Come on guys need some help here

    I have been using the level 48 nikes now for almost a year $4:00 a sleve and find them consistent in distance,spin etc as well as wind play.My driving average is 300 yards with these and I find I can by adjusting spin can keep up or pass with most of the people I play with,both off the T and for the approaches.Try them ,they may surprise you.


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 10:29 AM

    If you want something cheap and dependable, try the WGT legend ball G12 SD2 @ 155 credits, think their pretty good!!

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 10:36 AM


    I am very very low on credits, and was very lucky to win a CC tourney that payed out balls ,and I got those. I still have 9 left. 

    It has to be a playable ball , Dan , BB, Stevenharkin just to name a few use them. I also figured the extra distance would help at PH

    Ok, so we need to figure out these balls for you. I only tried a couple of sleeves, but I seem to remember they play fairly similarly to other balls downwind calculation-wise. But you need to allow for more wind effect playing into the wind. On top of this, I think it was the 4i that plays massively short into the wind. This will put a major spanner in the works of trying to figure out a dependable calculation, unless you discount that club and note how it plays separately. 

    Sorry I can't be more help, but it was clear early on that this ball was not going to be improving my returns by 40% so was not worth the extra expense. Maybe you can use them up in low wind RGs and use the proceeds to get some balls that you know...

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 2:03 PM

    OK have to give up on the ball, played PH the first four hole got within 1 to 2 yards after that , was back to 7-8 away ball going all over the place had no control. DARN

    Really wanted the ball to work out

    Just unreal, can't understand how a top rated ball ,and the price tag on it can be so unreliable. 

    This was after many many attempts , with different wind formulas. The ball is just no good ,like I was told by so many others ,but you know me stubborn as an ox