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Re: WGT,S V poker

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 1 2010 9:37 PM (1 replies)
  • westhamchris
    195 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 4:42 PM

    Hi...Chris here from sunny Dagenham.....been playing this site for about 3 months now and is looking forward to being active in this club.....only went onto the computor to play on-line poker and came across WGT,S by accident... not played poker since.  been meaning to cut down on the poker for ages but never succeded....dont play real golf anymore.dont know why im sure i would enjoy it more than following the Hammers around..dont think im gonna change now.

    anyway hope to have some good games with you lads and a good bit of banter.

        all the best

  • flushinjus
    76 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 9:37 PM

    I'm a poker play also and WGT is great to blow off some stream before or after a session. GL on the greens.