What I was saying is if the Driving range would put everyone on the same level, "Driving range" is the topic. Maybe this op was not aware that this is a topic that's been talked about plenty? I guess it's more on topic to point out that this thread is a drawn out subject and try to make the poster feel real dumb eh?
I was simply asking how would getting in a driving range puts everyone on the same level?? It's odd to hear alex say that as the other day he was asking for start clubs & balls tourneys so that "everyone is on the same playing field" It's just hypocritical to say driving range is a silly idea because it puts everyone on the same playing field when in fact your asking for the same thing....no? Asking how the 2 ideas differ.
There are always gonna be better players than most of us on here. Just the way it is, driving range wouldn't just magically even it out for a player with a 68 average to just start beating folks with 55 averages.
I feel it's a valid question regarding the driving range. I'm just giving a comparison and asking how are the two different according to alex.
"And I might respond properly". I doubt this as it's mostly babble when you respond to anyone. I honestly would welcome a legit response since your wrong that the driving range would even the playing field.... driving range being the topic I'm talking about. Once again just bringing up a valid point....Durp durp
Not hijacking the thread FYI. Just happens to be I don't agree with you and you can't prove what I'm saying wrong so say nothing....Typical move.