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Re: Legends

Tue, Sep 28 2010 4:00 PM (15 replies)
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  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 12:00 AM

    WGTSky,spokesperson for World Golf Tour Inc. Appears to be a clear cut case of a violation of the rules and regs. Now the question looms; is revenue greater than integrity?

    No need for a response, it's not going to effect me one way or another. 

    Thanks fellow players for the heads-up.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 5:59 AM

    LOL, WGT does not care about people having multiple accounts its been proven. JB

  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 6:34 AM

    LOL, WGT does not care about people having multiple accounts its been proven. JB

    QFT - No truer words written.

    Good scam though, He/She creates several accounts, levels them up to Legend in less than a week by playing SA front 9 over and over.  Each feeder account now has 1,700 credits - These accounts can now gift clubs and balls to the "main" account...

    See what happens when you don't enforce your own rules.  pretty sad if you ask me.

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 8:21 AM

    LMAO,  these players are going to play for hours and hours for 17 lousy dollars to feed the "queen bees" acct.?    Most boring time spent i could possibly think of-----leave alone the thought of working so hard for a few pennies on the hour.........i'd rather get hit by a tanker truck while collecting deposit cans and bottles along the highways as a method to fund my wgt acct. than play another minute at hack level with beginner clubs, all the while dreaming of advancing to the pro tier, where low and must purchase drivers and irons----oops, queen bee isnt going to like me spending her credits on things she already has.  lol

  • dichy
    4 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 3:14 PM

    no just friend, he invite me to wgt and when I found I can buy nothing I sent a gifts, and for that his account is close now thanks to me lol

  • dichy
    4 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 4:00 PM



    quick question dichy - u and deadball are the same person?


    BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NO, liked i said before he just invited me to joint to wgt. I sent those gifts because i can't buy anything for be level 22  and for that his account is close lol. So now i'm so sorry for that.


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