Hey WGT how about varying bracket courses. Maybe Im a baby but I find the current challenge courses to be lacking. In my opinion the current courses tend to lean to the players who play the easy courses over and over. Many players advance to the Kawai round scoring 78-80 on the best of par 4's. Then it becomes a case of who can make a couple of 20 footers to beat out someone by one shot. Lets face it. Kawai is like St Andrews. Way to easy to be included in anything called a "Challenge". That also includes Congressional. Those courses are fine for the weeklys and monthly tourneys. But dont belong in anything called a "Challenge". Best playing the best is a challenge. Not a guy shooting 80 on a tough course then knowing he, avg'ing 72, can have a soft course that he plays 20 times a day where he can score -11 and beat out someone avg'ing 61 because he plays the tough courses and avoids the soft courses. I guess it would be alright to include these courses if there was some sort of rotation. Or, make the easiest course first then each following more difficult. Hard, Very soft, soft, hard is a dumb format. Just my opinion.