The definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and EXPECTING different results.
It seems that every other post in the forums is from someone (sometimes the SAME person) COMPLAINING about the disconnects or slow loading in MP, AS, and other multi-player games, and the ball life lost, credits lost, cheaters, etc.
Here's some advice for those that play those types of games....STOP!!!! Why would you continue to do something, knowing full well it's a crap shoot? I'm not against those games or those players, at all. I just believe that WGT's people have seen the complaints on here (and the CS complaints sent in) and know about the problem, and since it's been a long, long running problem, evidently they don't care or have no clue as to how to fix it.
I also believe that those games (other than the HIGH STAKES ones) are the smallest revenue producers for WGT, thus the "fix" is way, way, way at the bottom of their "to do list". The revenue comes from the unlimited tourneys, RG's and other games that keep players restarting, paying to enter RG's, and chasing the elusive dream that they can "maybe" shoot a good score and win a few cents. I know I won't ever win any money/credits on here. I'm never going to take the time to write detailed notes, use a calculator, shot/putter pal or anything else. That would just put me into the category that WGT wants/ wishes EVERYONE would be in. I'm not chasing that "never-gonna-happen" win. I've been on for 1 year today, spent a TON of money, and have decided that when my good balls are gone, I'll use the freebies when I play. I would rather lose 5 grand at the casino than donate 10.00 to a game that I am not good at, don't plan on being good at, and am slowly losing interest in. There's so much more to life than this (for me, anyway).
For those that celebrate Memorial Day, have a safe one. And, remember what it stands for.
I'm signing off now. Heading back to the beach for a while, so I won't be able to respond to the bashers as they sling crap my way, so I'll do it now. Shut up. I may be crazy, but I'm NOT insane :)
Jay (the worst TL ever to grace the WGT world)