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Re: "PURSE SET-UP" on WGT tournament format for club owners!

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 25 2014 9:34 PM (1 replies)
  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 8:01 PM


     Advanced Country Clubs don't like the "play alone" WGT tournament format. But prefer to have interactive 'LIVE PLAY' tournaments for their memberss.....and a purse for the winners of those tournaments. So they opp to play their interactive tournaments and use  gifting winners from the pro shop....which can get involved and confusing.

       The majority of Club members in this game would love to be able to win credits when competing in tournaments (like they do in the Ready-to-Go tournaments) and use those credits shopping in the pro shop (which can get quite expensive). The Read-to-Go tournaments are apealing....but ....'who plays in a REAL tournament ALONE'! 'That's not a tournament ,,,, that's more like practicing'. And that is how we use your format....only for practicing for our interactive (REAL) tournaments. 

       Our club use the World clock and have members from 20 different countries playing on the same course at the same time (every member has his/her own personal tee time). What is missing is a Purse Set-up so that the winners can be rewarded for all this organization and time invested in this game.

    SUGGESTION: Create a Purse Set-up on the WGT format that Club Owners can operate for their members. It could work the same as the regular Tournament Format (with players registering to play by entering the Purse Set-up)....except the owners can type in the name(s) of the Tournament Winners after a that only the winners will have access to the Purse Credits. This game would explode if Country Clubs had a way to host their (INTERACTIVE) club tournaments with real purses.....and you would need expand the Pro Shop to accommadate all the won credits.

      Many clubs are already trying to use the WGT format as a purse set-up.....because without a purse members become disinterested in the tournaments after a while and become inactive club members......and playing alone on the WGT tournament format is like 'practice'.....'not real tournaments'.

       If you want to see this game 'take off' just give us Owners a Purse Set-up for our club members and maybe trophies that goes with the purse....and you will need to expand your systems and Pro Shop to keep up with the people who will joining WGT! You have a way to reward the winners in you Sponsored Torunaments (such as Ready-to-Go). Interactive LIVE PLAY tournament are the MAIN attraction in country clubs.....So give us a way to reward the winners of our interactive Club Tournaments. A Purse Set-up would solve that problem. Club Owners please respond here if you agree!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 9:34 PM
    Clubs need lots of new options but WGT don't seem to understand how important country clubs are to this game. Bringing out the bracket games has hit clubs hard and the bracket option needs to be rolled out in clubs too. Club owners work damned hard and need help to keep things fresh.