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Re: Chipping grid for putting

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Thu, May 29 2014 12:21 AM (5 replies)
  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 4:07 PM

    I am thinking my putting struggling because when i look at breaks and i place marker once i know where to hit the ball. 

    Now with chipping grid , it gives breaks where you place it. So you can make finer adjustment with chipping grid than putting grid and also you visualize as you drop the marker. Currenly when i place marker in putting grid it blocks the view towards hole.

    I see players use chipping grid , but i am lazy to switch back and forth.

    Is there a hot key to switch between putter and chipping ?. like toggle.

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 5:59 PM

    I don't think there is, it would be nice though as you know flippin back and forth between shot options isn't ideal but I think it's the best we are gonna get :). I myself didn't start using different shots for different grids until recently, certainly helps out but yeah flipping back and forth is annoying if your playing in a 30 second timed game haha.

    Speaking of your putting struggles have you seen any of the forum posts with I think sgtbilkos putting chart for all the different green speeds? Instead of using my calculator or simply playing by feel I can now just refer to the chart quickly to get my distance. And it's very accurate if you get your added elevation correct.

    Check it out if you can find it alex. I think it could help you in a big way if your having putting problems.  I honestly just found it a few weeks ago and already I'm making way more putts than before.  You'll be getting all your putts much closer and have much less headaches on the green.

    Hope that helps as it certainly helped me and made being on the greens even easier than before. You'll be dropping em like they are hot haha.

    I have it on my wall but I sent it to you on your wall hopefully you don't mind.  It's made for the nike putter we both use so it should aid in helping you make those greens your biotch so to speak.


  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 8:32 PM

    SIRI works well for putting. Tell her you have 70 feet by 80% on tournament greens. Works everytime. No need to look at a chart. 

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Wed, May 28 2014 5:54 PM

    I've never thought about doing that before lol. Chart is pretty old school but I like it.

    It's a good thing we suggest something to someone asking for help. Too bad alex only starts up threads for attention and when he actually asks for help he does not use it. Just loves creating useless posts and then abandoning them if nobody starts to argue with him lol.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, May 28 2014 7:26 PM


    SIRI works well for putting. Tell her you have 70 feet by 80% on tournament greens. Works everytime. No need to look at a chart. 

    Then does she say "You should have played more break ya dumb****"!! ;)



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, May 29 2014 12:21 AM

    Now with chipping grid , it gives breaks where you place it. So you can make finer adjustment with chipping grid than putting grid and also you visualize as you drop the marker. Currenly when i place marker in putting grid it blocks the view towards hole.

    You can just move the actual marker around and out of the way. 

    Sorry if already answered or I never got your point properly.