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Re: *** Downtime tonight 6/1/14 ***

Sat, Jun 7 2014 12:48 PM (189 replies)
  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 3:14 PM

    I tried a few browsers Paul just to see if any were better (maxthon being 1) and found that Firefox was the best of all of them FOR ME...

    make sure you have all the plugins and it never misses a beat...meter get a little jumpy on occasion but I just reboot the homepage(leave the gamepage up) and it takes care of it...

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 4:13 PM

    but I just reboot the homepage(leave the gamepage up) and it takes care of it...

    You have the homepage open when you play? Asking for trouble there if you do.

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 4:54 PM


    I tried a few browsers Paul just to see if any were better (maxthon being 1) and found that Firefox was the best of all of them FOR ME...

    make sure you have all the plugins and it never misses a beat...meter get a little jumpy on occasion but I just reboot the homepage(leave the gamepage up) and it takes care of it...

    X2 Dan- The very rare meter jump or sometimes stop, is the singular problem I've ever had since running on Firefox and rebuilding my PC after the hard drive crashed. Crazy what and old PC illiterate dummy can accomplish- with the help of You Tube.  I'm with YJ though as far as having both tabs open while playing. The occasionally rare meter problem can become a more consistent problem if I have both pages open, so it's easy enough to just have  the game page open while I play.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 2:42 AM

    Thanks guys, looks like I'll be making the switch.

    Shame really as comodo was perfect for so long, oh well.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 3:29 AM

    Shame really as comodo was perfect for so long, oh well.

    Just saw this.  FWIW Comodo Dragon went shyte for me too recently having been rock solid for ages.  Related or not it happened immediately after the last update.  

    For me Maxthon 3 (latest everything) is working fine now, as is Chrome.  I don't understand any of it and just go with what is.

  • jenwren
    2,781 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 4:45 AM


    Shame really as comodo was perfect for so long, oh well.

    Just saw this.  FWIW Comodo Dragon went shyte for me too recently having been rock solid for ages.  Related or not it happened immediately after the last update.  

    For me Maxthon 3 (latest everything) is working fine now, as is Chrome.  I don't understand any of it and just go with what is.

    I also used Comodo Dragon as it was the best, the smoothest meter you would come across.  Not sure if you know but there was a Comodo Dragon update at the same time as the WGT update so not sure if that could be the problem and don't know how to get rid of that update and see if it fixes the meter problem.  Other than that I am struggling to find a browser that actually works well.  I did try Maxthon Cloud but might try Maxthon 3.  Hoping.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 5:29 AM

    No idea if you can roll back the updates Jen, I'm not even sure if that's the problem.

    Earlier in the thread I was advised to uninstall comodo then reinstall, that seemed to work 100%, all was back to normal. Then 2 days later comodo went back to being unstable, something is happening behind the scenes that we're not aware of.

    Whether this is WGT or comodo causing conflicts I don't know but to be honest I've no idea why WGt would want to make a browser unstable so I doubt very seriously if it's them.

    Currently trying comodo ice dragon and that seems fine, not as good as normal comodo was, but ok. Will get round to trying the others soon.


  • borntobesting
    9,782 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 12:00 PM

    I just tried Comodo Dragon for the first time in about a  month and my meter was as smooth as always. I stopped using it about a month ago because the screen resized itself to a letter box and I can't get it to resize. I went to Pale Moon 64 which is as good as CD was.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 12:21 PM


    I just tried Comodo Dragon for the first time in about a  month and my meter was as smooth as always. 

    It's if it stays that way, mine was great for 2 days then went haywire again. There must be some program going on to alter it but what that is is beyond my limited computer knowledge.

    Pale moon... never heard of that. That'll go on the list to try!


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 12:48 PM

    I misspoke earlier saying "I reboot the homepage"...I leave it running unless the meter get jumpy, then I close it and restart it after the game which takes care of it for the most part...

    Leaving it up usually doesn't bother me at all in single play because the PC I play on most of the time is running XP with all but AV and winpatrol running so I have plenty of resources...when I use my laptop I boot from XP too....