Hey Asthma, I can tell by your post that you are a little ticked. But your posting language will get you no where with the powers that be. I am just another player like you who has been booted out, had games crash, and played with friends with severe meter problems. The issues behind them are a mystery as to whether or not it is a WGT problem or your computer. If you have other apps running they will use up valuable resources that will affect your meter for sure, you might want to check that out. Things such as Skype if you use this to talk on while playing for instance. You need to insure that you have enough ram memory to handle the the resources you use. If you only have say 1 meg that is not enough. I have 4 and find that to be adequate , even using Skype, however my sister only has one and if we are using Skype to talk while playing her meter screws up every time. When we shut it off, the problem is solved. If your ram memory is low , you will need to increase it as much as you can, This is not too costly, and will make all programs run smoother. You may already know all this so forgive me if you do. Also be sure that your flash settings are correct. There is information on how to do this in the forums, just do a search for " flash settings. I hope this may help. Good Luck.