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Re: Giving up.

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Fri, Oct 1 2010 12:30 PM (13 replies)
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  • borntobesting
    9,747 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 10:54 AM


    Wow, do i need help. I have read the FAQs about pitching and chipping and so on. I was playing bbp full 18 multiround earlier, and was on -2 coming onto the 15th. My second shot landed off the green, 11 yds from the hole(probably 3-4 from the edge of the green) My lie was 30-40% and i used the lwedge which gives me 16yds on the flop. I then aimed a nice bit left as the flop always seems to go right on me, and gave it almost full power(about 10mm from full). I hit the ding spot on, and the ball travelled about 1 foot. I then ended the hole on a triple bogey, and screwed up the rest of the round. Where am i going wrong? Any ideas anybody..................AAAARRRRGGGGHHH

    A lot of us need help with BPB # 15 that green is just plain nasty. I was -3 in the first round of the multi-round until I hit #15 after #15 with a quad with 5 putts I was +1. As for your shot the green is really uphill you need to add almost double what you think it is. And from above the hole it is like chipping or putting on a mountain. It is the one hole that even after 8 or 9 months and close to 1000 rounds I still can't get. I have never birided it and have only parred it a few times. Frankly I am happy with a bogie on that hole.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 10:58 AM

    Twominus and Miasma, give the putter some time.  Depending on the model your meter distance was cut in half, you have to get a feel for more meter equals less distance, but after a lot of practice you will be able to dial in the distances so much better, which should equate to a much better ability to judge the speed, which is GI Normous when figuring break.  The OP stats shows 2.02 putts per hole (granted thats including your first rounds) but shave off just .25 of a stroke and thats 4.5 strokes per 18.  Thats HUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • danohi50
    1,020 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 11:30 AM

    They will help..bottom line the post on distance putting control; and another one from Iconian on chipping..The rest is time and patience...took me nearly 6 months to make it to a year later Im a tour master...whoopie right. Yep, I missed making legend by about a half stroke..whew..glad I didn't make it now.

    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 12:30 PM
    LOL, thanks guys. Seems im in a good place for the time been.
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