Jut signed upto WGT on the 5/6/2014 after playing tigerwoods on the PC since 1999.
Never new about this site , so after signing up i played a few games and enjoyed it
then i was checking the webpage and came across the get credits section , so to cut
a long story short i signed up for two offers one from william hill the other from Vista
Print, completed both offers payed with Paypal account now this was two days ago
and i still have no credits , these two offers state on wgt that they pay instantly , i have
got e.mails from both offers and the Paypal reciepts to show for them. have contacted
wgt and trialpay about this but all i get in reply is this is an automated e.mail please do
not reply we are looking into this matter and you will hear from us. my ? is when will i
hear from anyone after two days i thought i might have heard something by now .