Every thing start 3 days ago when I was not able to log in on the pro shop after many try,I download a different browser with no luck on log in. ThenYesterday took me 5 hours to be able to log in on WGT after every time I try the log in page froze on me. I try 5 browser and at the end I have to refresh all my PC first then restore it. I uninstalled everything and installed everything back. The browser the I was using was chrome and I had al my setting including the caddie program and bunch of setting made in all tis months. I installed chrome back and all of my setting are not the same, screen different size and the meter faster. I am NOT a PC save I am very dumb about them,I don't know what happened and I like to see if I can have my setting back the way the were and if is any way to prevent the happen the same thing again. Any one there experience the same situation? Any ideas why? I run I virus check and I did not had any viruses.
Thank you
Andrea AKA localbistro