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Re: Credit earning suggestion - golf related.

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 19 2014 10:04 AM (1 replies)
  • free2402
    31 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 7:52 PM

    I dont believe doing survey and watching videos is for the majority. The site holds tournaments, but why not do something like the everyday golf club.

    Hold competitions that are level related ( amateur, pro, tour pro etc ) and more affordable and attractive to all. Say 90 to 100 player join a comp for 20 credits. Have 3 rounds down to final round qualifiers with decreasing entry fee 20, 15, 10. Split the winning 60/40. 60% in prize and 40% to site. Pay credits to the final 2 ( 60/40) or to final 10 players, percentage based. Base qualifier results on round scores to progress to final 2 or 10. You could break it down to 2 rounds or tweak it in its simplicity, but it would still work. 

    The comps could change format to add variety. Stroke, Stableford etc, but with all the members world wide it would be attractive and fun, I'm sure of that. If there are disconnects, as there always are; the game should not be abandoned or players penalised, unless they choose to forfeit, but perhaps stipulate a time frame for completion of a round, say 24 hours. 

    It would be more golf related in terms of earning credits, more attractive because all here are about golf and not surveys and attractive because of low entry fee costs. The majority of players can come up with 45 credits over 3 rounds and it's a win win for all.

    Anyway, just a suggestion that could be up for positive debate and feedback :)

    Cheers from Sydney

  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 10:04 AM

    there are level based comps. The weekly tourneys and Rgs