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Re: *** Free rental weekend 6/20-6/22***

Mon, Jun 23 2014 1:14 PM (36 replies)
  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 10:01 AM

    I rented a bunch of the drivers in the 282 yd range.  Nothing really stood out over the other, except I noticed the L88 Bertha driver had 1.5 for spin when all other drivers have just 1.0.

    It hit a few shots as far as the 287 yd Big Bertha Alpha.    But the R1 consistently was longer both with helping wind and even more so into a headwind.

    Heck, even carried just as far as the bertha with all kinds of different spin variations.



    BTW..... make sure to clear your cache and stuffs.  

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 10:59 AM

    Damn missed another..that's 2 now, no try out Nikes !

    Good job I'm happy with the Rll's :)

  • vincent59
    60 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 11:00 AM

    i rented the R11 irons and a few other clubs i really got to see i need new clubs my avg went from 69.82 to 69.58 never play as well as i did what a difference

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 12:02 PM

    I was working at the new addition at the MSU stadium. Never got a chance to try a thing. No lose for me though seeing my skill at this game has dropped lower than a snakes belly. 

  • mukbrain
    225 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 12:23 PM

    Since I haven't leveled up yet (144k from L98), and it was only 2 months after the last free rental weekend, I didn't test any clubs. I had considered the X2Hot Driver (high-level) to rent, just to see how far it would go with the lower trajectory, but didn't do it after all. No loss here. And I had got my high-level ATVs anyway just a week or so ago anyway.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 1:01 PM

    I rented the Max  wedge set (lvl 89, 90, &91) and was truly impressed . Carded a 28 at St A's front 9 ( one of very few for me ). I'm sure they'd really help my overall game and stats, and I could probably justify the expense, if, (and this is one big "IF" ) someone could convince me that they would continue to perform at the same level as they did at time of purchase. It is simply not acceptable to me that once an item is purchased, it's overall perfomance is still subject to the whims of WGT. By this I mean just what I have stated about the G-20's. When I first purchased them, my DTP average was 17 ' , two years later my DTP average now stands at 19'. Any player with two years more experience does not get worse, so we have two possiblities, either the clubs' performance levels have changed, or, other factors have increased the games' degree of difficulty. Either way the end result is the same, the clubs that once allowed me to tear up the courses no longer do. And, having been caught on that end of the stick once, I ain't buyin' that it won't happen again. ( emphasis on "I aint buyin")


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 1:14 PM


    Damn missed another..that's 2 now, no try out Nikes !

    Good job I'm happy with the Rll's :)

    Well if its any consolation , the 97+ nikes are sweet . Been playing them since Friday night , after catching this thread . The meter was very smooth and easy to ding . They play well when missing the ding as well . The short irons perform better than the r11s too . I was able to keep them for 1 more day , so until midnight tonight , the world is mine .

    Now I just have to come up with 4k in credits to get them . Hey WGT how about adding a virtual car wash to the game . Or a maintenance crew to take care of the courses . There has got to be an easier way tan videos and surveys .So I`m giving everyone fair notice . Dont let me catch you in the parking lot .I dont want to hurt anybody , but you do understand . I gotta do what I gotta do . Its nothing personal , but like I said , I gotta have them . Now if you will excuse I have to go get my mask and gloves together .