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Re: WANTED: Sexy, sensuous, stunning playing partner

Sun, Jun 22 2014 6:41 AM (37 replies)
  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sat, Jun 21 2014 9:55 PM


    Look what I found - a day at the beach for MB.

    Retractions Roger?


    LMFAO!   I am 99% certain that she-he is an instructor at the college I work at.   I took a History class about 1.5 years ago and almost died when I walked in to the room to see him in a dress.   I am not sh*tting you.


    Oh yea, and his first name was Michael.   hahahahaha,  I will try to find a picture of him,  he served in the US Navy and showed us a picture of him and Pres Bush senior.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Jun 21 2014 9:58 PM


    Dang Alan, 


    I was just getting ready to ask you how you were able to get a pic of my high thigh Tats......but eerily odd it is...


      Dang, long did "we" have together, and did I treat you well at times?


    Miss ya honey.

    Dang it, first I had internet issues (can't blame this on WGT) BUT NOW

    I have coffee all over my screen. Funny as.....

    And Mark, I had 20/20 vision all my life...........................









    then I met Baggs

    Edit - too funny Haz - I am not sure what I would say under those circumstances - umm hello Michael....or is that Michaela.....followed bt silence after jaw hits ground?

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sat, Jun 21 2014 10:11 PM

    Edit - too funny Haz - I am not sure what I would say under those circumstances - umm hello Michael....or is that Michaela.....followed bt silence after jaw hits ground?


    LOL  I just asked up front,  how should we address you?   He said, in a mans voice, "just call me John."

    If he would have stood there trying to sound like a woman, I would have just walked out.  LOL 


    I found his LindedIn profile.  I tell you, I really think that was him on the beach lol,  same Hulk Hogan, bald top and long'sh blonde hair. This picture is the first time I've seen him not in a dress other than the picture with the Senior Bush.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 21 2014 10:28 PM

    I think you may be right Hazen, he has the same physique if you look closely

    Not that I did..


    Nor is there anything wrong about it if you do,,,

    Just saying:)


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 1:33 AM


    ........he has the same physique if you look closely

    Not that I did..

    ummm Mike - are you sure bro? I do remember a game the other morning where you were commenting on the physical attributes of my that a No Cal thing?  just sayin'

    just kidding guys.

    This thread is funnier than Alex345's threads and even a few of the usual suspects in here too  roflmao !

    Chicken anybody?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 3:33 AM

    ummm Mike - are you sure bro? I do remember a game the other morning where you were commenting on the physical attributes of my avatar...

    *gulp* he said that about mine after he was standing behind me lining up a putt. I then offered to change avatar to a do I put this.......a more vouptuous avatar - hell no was the answer, if it has 2 legs...........................










    I will play golf with anyone.

  • togemag
    991 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 4:55 AM

    I didn’t know that the gents were saying that this pic was you.

    Since I have never seen you before. The others still think it is a close resemblance to you.

    Thats Saying Something; WOW Baggs

    Even with that being said your still all right in my book, w/o my glasses on.


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 6:41 AM

    I will play golf with anyone.

    LMAO  Alan @ *gulp* paragraph !!!

    Apparently we both will     ROFLMAO !!