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Re: Practice

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Mon, Jun 23 2014 3:57 PM (4 replies)
  • DCmikec
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 2:26 PM

    How come there is no practice range? At least that I know of. How can we except to get the scoring average down when you always have to play in hard conditions. Also how come when you lose or run out of balls it automatically gives you the beginner balls when you have other better balls in the bag? Is this game just designed to make its members spend real money?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 9:24 PM
    You can play any course under just about any conditions in practice mode (with mulligans). Also if you pay attention to the last ball of this type warning you'll never run out of your preferred balls. Carrying extra balls costs no more in the long run,
  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 10:28 PM


    Also how come when you lose or run out of balls it automatically gives you the beginner balls when you have other better balls in the bag?

    You don't have any other balls in your bag.  Strictly speaking you don't even have the free starter balls in there, WGT just allow you to continue with them.



    Is this game just designed to make its members spend real money?

    Well, it's a business at the end of the day and has costs to cover and, of course, make a profit.  I've never gone into a shop and found a shelf of free stuff.

    You can also use the earn free credits offers to fund your pro shop purchases.  There are many here who have never spent a cent of real world money.

  • NBown1
    313 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 10:50 AM

    having something like a driving range  would be helpfull  it would allow  new players ( like me)  practice  hitting the ball without having to worry about  where the balls  end up



    same  with a practice putting green

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 3:57 PM


    having something like a driving range  would be helpfull  it would allow  new players ( like me)  practice  hitting the ball without having to worry about  where the balls  end up

     same  with a practice putting green

    As has been mentioned, you can set up a practice mode game  and hit all the shots you want without it mattering about the score. I've played a random 3 holes practice and taken 64 strokes including mullians. No need for a range or practice putting greens.