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Re: Latest NEWS to WGT

rated by 0 users
Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:46 PM (4 replies)
  • Bendeswede
    95 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 7:12 AM

    Have today started play 5 games and all frozen because one of the players quit..... this is very aggrevating. WGT talk about Vapor Balls, Legend Balls....Legend clubs and that is all bull! It is also very unimportant. Only the Legends feel so sorry for what have happend to them. WGT must start caring about the game console itself, and ALL the players.

    When is WGT going to set the game back to where they were one year ago. We all enjoyed playing and we all had fun.

    The fun is no longer in the game after all the idiotic chnages made by WGT. No wonder WGT is losing money with all the BS the have created...... Many players have quit and that is WGT's own fault period. I don't want to hear WGT's silly excuses. Reset the game to where you were 12 months ago and let us have peace and joy when we play. The dumbest thing WGT ever did was to change to TOURNAMENT putting speed. Doesn't excist in the real gold world.

    From what I have seen here I now understand that the WGT's personel have never been on a real golf course nor have they ever played real golf.

    6 not need your advise......   Bendeswede


  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 9:28 AM

    First I would dispute the thought that none of the WGT personnel have played golf and the fact that you are a six handicap has nothing to do with the design side of a golf game.  My handicap is slightly lower than yours but my handicap in computer design is a 40.

    Also the legends were the group most penalized by the changes, we went back 400 yards per 18 holes in distance and putt on impossible greens.  They dialed them back to tournament speed but that is still a bit too fast in my opinion.  The tirade about WGT losing money, they are in Beta and will lose money until they come out of it, not sure what exact your point is there since I don't buy my computer games, golf equipment, etc. based on the profitability of the company.

    Give the changes a few months and let them tweak them, they have brought forth 2 new courses and done a great deal in 2010.  If your only desire is to shoot sub 60 scores every round then TWO is your solution.

  • Luna1
    51 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 10:01 AM

    I likewise experienced games becoming frozen after someone quit each time, so there was definately a problem...... Luna1

  • columbiacgt
    565 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 10:01 AM


    The dumbest thing WGT ever did was to change to TOURNAMENT putting speed. Doesn't excist in the real gold world.

    From what I have seen here I now understand that the WGT's personel have never been on a real golf course nor have they ever played real golf.

    YOU don't seem to ever have been on a real golf course, at least not at St.Andrews after a few windy days...(almost  all the time...).

    Your 6 hcp is probably on some Mickey Mouse pitch and putt course


  • Luna1
    51 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:46 PM

    This has now happened twice again to-night.....Frozen Games.....I asked the three other players Tour Pro's and Master who likewise have had the same problem.....What's going on????? Please Something is definately wrong here.
