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Re: Been Over A Week Now....

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jun 30 2014 1:10 PM (6 replies)
    409 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 6:01 AM

    And Still no change to this jumpy meter.   Since the new flash download.  I cant seem to get it running smooth.  Even when I seem to move the cursor to adjust for wind it seems to be Laggy,,Glitchy... Not running correctly.  I have tried clearing catche  and even ran a complete scan of my CPU to get rid of any cookies. etc.     And still  meter is real jumpy.    Any Ideas?         

    I have only ever played on Google Chrome.  Up until a week ago my meter had been very smooth for a long while.   I was actually telling myself how great the meter was.   Now Im having a lot of trouble worst meter Ive had in years.    

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 6:10 AM

    Rather tedious -


    You may find something to help in the above ten pages, assuming that you are open to taking advice.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 6:31 AM

    I use Chrome and pepperflash ... no problem with lags or glitches ... the only meter problem I have, is at certain times of the day (or some days entirely), the meter tends to drag and/or speed up with little warning. But I've had that same problem with different PC's, different browsers, and for the entire time that I've belonged to WGT. 

    Sometimes I can reboot my modem, change my IP addy in the process, and relog into WGT on a different server, and things work better. Some days, nothing works to make make the meter run a consistent speed, all the way down the scale. 

    It's a wonder that anyone that lives any distance from California can obtain a trouble free experience on WGT considering how many "hops" your requests take, and the "hops" the return data takes... in addition to server "glut" and local CPU performance ...

  • ScottHope
    10,676 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 6:39 AM

    You can have more than one flash player installed in Chrome, which is not a problem in itself. But make sure that only one is enabled.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 6:54 AM


    You can have more than one flash player installed in Chrome, which is not a problem in itself. But make sure that only one is enabled.

    Thanks for mentioning that Scott ... I had completely forgotten about that.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 12:31 PM

    Looks like my advice on achieving a smooth meter fell on deaf ears.

     What a guy!

    ...and Tedious, it should read 'You're a forum troll', there's some  free advice on writing English.

    409 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 1:10 PM

    Nobody wants to hear advice from a name calling POS.    Looking at your recent history .  Seems your another player who likes to think name calling and throwing in your 2 cents everywhere is a good thing.          So did you think I was going to take your advice which was started with an Insult?     Grow up PT.          (POS Twit)