I know im not to guess and post as per to said Fine print .
But I am going to guess and post .
Its a Sears and Robots / Kenmore vintage 1982 LP gas grill , and to be more spifilictfty , its a 3 burner with the lava rock bed ,
On said grill is 2 turkey hot dogs , 1 rack of ribbs , 6 shrimp kabooms s , roasted corn on the cob , burgers with or not cheese , and the pot of " beans are ready " ,
Next to the grill on the left is a table with Fixins ,
In the lower left is a red cooler full of chilled drinks ,
Standing in the upper right it looks like Andyson and Yankee Jim giving Chad and Icon a ear full over a score card ,
And in the upper left is a small sign , The best I can tell said reads
" Please clean up after your dog " , next to the trash can .
And if you look in the trash can with zoom you might find a clue from Yancy .