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Re: Simple for WGT...One new Forum!!!

Fri, Jul 18 2014 9:58 AM (5 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 5:22 PM

    How about WGT open p one new forum for games...heck...even open up many ...AS/MP-etc...a place where someone can post a message looking for players, agree on a time, and get it set up and play?


    No need for a new lobby, etc.


    I know WGT has the ability to do this..because they did open up some new forum topics in the past , like "winners circle" how about it WGT?..


    No need to create a Lobby...just a new "thread Topic" where players can find a like-kind game!


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 5:31 PM


    How about WGT open p one new forum for games...heck...even open up many ...AS/MP-etc...a place where someone can post a message looking for players, agree on a time, and get it set up and play?


    No need for a new lobby, etc.


    I know WGT has the ability to do this..because they did open up some new forum topics in the past , like "winners circle" how about it WGT?..


    No need to create a Lobby...just a new "thread Topic" where players can find a like-kind game!


    Easier solution for now.... pick a topic area you would like to start the thread and we can Sticky it so players can always find it.


    -  WGTdbloshoe

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 5:33 PM

    Just host a live shout box, so easy ............................................ 

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Jul 18 2014 8:10 AM

    Does WGT, or have they ever, had an IRC channel?  A post forum is an okay idea, but it'd be hard to coordinate since it's not in "real-time".  If there were enough people for an IRC channel (or some other real-time external multi-user chat system), that'd be a way to execute rather immediate matchups between people who are in the room and waiting for a game.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Jul 18 2014 9:51 AM


       If there were enough people for an IRC channel (or some other real-time external multi-user chat system), that'd be a way to execute rather immediate matchups between people who are in the room and waiting for a game.


    Yeah, or like an embedded shout box or something as mentioned, maybe this isn't desired by WGT at the moment.

    I've created a few free, easy chat rooms for WGT usage, and people can join with a click, but it would have to be a room everyone knows about and uses.

    Or, again; an embedded WGT shout box or other real time display would be teaming with players, no pun..


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Jul 18 2014 9:58 AM



       If there were enough people for an IRC channel (or some other real-time external multi-user chat system), that'd be a way to execute rather immediate matchups between people who are in the room and waiting for a game.


    Yeah, or like an embedded shout box or something as mentioned, maybe this isn't desired by WGT at the moment.

    I've created a few free, easy chat rooms for WGT usage, and people can join with a click, but it would have to be a room everyone knows about and uses.

    Or, again; an embedded WGT shout box or other real time display would be teaming with players, no pun..


    I would prefer something like a shout box, but that may be a programming nightmare for WGT.  Also, they'd probably need someone on constant moderation purposes, as it has real potential for abuse.