Sounds like a multi taking probably yet another account for a trial run before a RG blitz??
Fact is WGT could do things:
I liked the minimum rounds in idea;
I would suggest a public health warning be issued with any new sign up about the issue with RGs, and to think long and hard before at least Legend. After that should know enough about shark central to make an informed decision. Currently they shut a few accounts down that are so obviously corrupt to a child, which is presumably to comply with some minimum (perceived?) requirement.
Moral high ground versus corporate $s........Let me guess that winner.
Edit: Per the OP and YJ below the snip sent to WGT is the way to go. First credits in RGs (or hopefully MP / Skins too), and hasta la vista:)
EDIT 2:..One look at the current money leader board...38 RRs and a real talent? ripping it.