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Re: #16 @ Merion

rated by 0 users
Wed, Aug 13 2014 2:03 PM (8 replies)
  • DrFell
    120 Posts
    Tue, Aug 12 2014 5:32 AM

    Ok so I'm doing well enough until I mishit and end up in the brush..."light brush" short of the green. I hit the ball..."lost ball". I hit again..."lost ball"  and once more "lost ball! The ball travels forward a foot or so no matter what club or shot you use and "lost ball". How can you lose a ball that only travels a foot? I've found a Golf Ball Black Hole? I think I would still be there looking at "this is your last ball of this type" until I maxed out my credit card.Or perhaps am I in the WGT money spot? For Pete's sake fellas, It's not like I don't spend my good money here already but you have to have to just plain steal my money with this baloney?? Over the years I've spent enough here to take my wife on a nice weekend at the beach. Probably more. I was actually thinking of dropping a little more cash to upgrade my irons but now you've gotten my 250 in credits for three brand new balls and missed the two thousand plus you would have gotten had I bought the irons. Do you really have so little respect for paying customers? 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Aug 12 2014 5:55 AM
    If you contact customer support I expect that they'll refund the cost of the balls.It helps them if you right click on the game screen and fill in the details while you are encountering the problem.
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Aug 12 2014 12:25 PM


    Ok so I'm doing well enough until I mishit and end up in the brush..."light brush" short of the green. I hit the ball..."lost ball". I hit again..."lost ball"  and once more "lost ball! The ball travels forward a foot or so no matter what club or shot you use and "lost ball". How can you lose a ball that only travels a foot? I've found a Golf Ball Black Hole? I think I would still be there looking at "this is your last ball of this type" until I maxed out my credit card.Or perhaps am I in the WGT money spot? For Pete's sake fellas, It's not like I don't spend my good money here already but you have to have to just plain steal my money with this baloney?? Over the years I've spent enough here to take my wife on a nice weekend at the beach. Probably more. I was actually thinking of dropping a little more cash to upgrade my irons but now you've gotten my 250 in credits for three brand new balls and missed the two thousand plus you would have gotten had I bought the irons. Do you really have so little respect for paying customers? 




    by any chance, did you save a reply or submit a detailed bug report via right clicking on the game screen? also, are you only trying to hit at the pin or hitting backwards toward the fairway?


  • DrFell
    120 Posts
    Wed, Aug 13 2014 4:19 AM

    I did not report a bug, probably should have and was hitting towards the pin. I don't believe there is any fairway to hit back to. It's a par 3. I was within 40 yards of the pin which led me to think I had a relatively short amount of brush to carry. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 13 2014 5:52 AM

    I don't believe there is any fairway to hit back to. It's a par 3.

    16 is a par four. Were you thinking of 13?

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Aug 13 2014 8:19 AM


    16 is a par four. Were you thinking of 13?

    Or perhaps #17?  Not sure if there's brush in front of that green, there probably is though, there's enough of the stuff at Merion.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 13 2014 8:40 AM

    Or perhaps #17? 

    Think you're onto something there, MM. Went to see and by the picture I think you're right. That junk is about 40 yards from the pin. I can also see why hitting towards the green from that lie would result in lost balls-the ball won't go anywhere downhill in that mess. Turning around and shooting backwards might have worked.

    There's a place like that on 16 if you hit too long to the left off the tee. 80-90 stuff that 9 shots couldn't get out of in any direction.  LOL

  • BigInigoMontoya
    208 Posts
    Wed, Aug 13 2014 9:43 AM

    Actually its the 17th at Merion that is the Par 3. The 16th is a par 4, the famous rock quarry hole. My guess is that you overshot the fairway off the tee and landed in thick rough. Because of said rough your approach was well short, and you ended up in "No Mans Land," the area highlighted in yellow. I know I've been in the really thick rough that is just outside of No Mans Land before, but I don't ever remember any go a foot and lose a ball shots from No Mans Land. 

    edit:Ninja'd by Yankee and Mainz LOL

  • Mike9950
    51 Posts
    Wed, Aug 13 2014 2:03 PM

    I been there mate, lost 3 balls for a total of 7 yards distance, no matter what shot or direction, i submitted report and got a sleeve of nikes.

    still annoying thou.
