If you like to copy and paste Country Club members data into a spreadsheet, it's a bit of a pain to get the
join date out because it's in a screen tip, and like the
last round date, they're both in a US date style (Month.Day.Year), which is a format that Excel for example, doesn't recognize as a date until you do some excel stuff.

So I have written a little Javascript routine that obtains the
join date from the screentip and gets the members
country name, and adds them to a new table that opens in a new browser tab.
I've also added a button that allows you to switch the date format between USA style (Month/Day/Year) and the format that most other countries use (Day/Month/Year). Hopefully this will help Excel (other spreadsheets are available) to recognise the information as a date upon pasting it into your spreadsheet.

While viewing your chosen CC members table, apply the javascript by pressing the F12 function key (or CTRL + SHIFT + i) to open the developer tools in your browser. Then select the Console tab, copy the javascript at
this location and paste it into the Console at the prompt, then hit enter (or click the green play button if using IE), you can now close the Console [X].
The new table doesn't have any sort functions (that's beyond my current abilities), but once you've copy and pasted the table data into your spreadsheet, you can manipulate it to your hearts content. Hope it works for you. : )
// *** SHOW CC MEMBERS JOIN DATE v27.08.2017.1 ***
var joindatescript = document.createElement("script");