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Re: Quitters

Sat, May 2 2015 7:44 AM (13 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Apr 30 2015 3:07 PM

    Stop being such an *** creeper to WGT Alosso- so typical of you- this is a serious issue what these guys are talking about! Try and come up with some offence to the problem instead of defence to WGT!

    Creeper to WGT? Who are you talking about?

    Sorry to say, I must assume that you don't get much of what I'm saying - positives about WGT are certainly a minority (aren't they?).

    But, support is due when it's due in honesty.

    Therefore, go back to what I said about businesses, and SWITCH YOUR BRAIN ON!

    They simply have no other choice!

  • pase4win
    232 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2015 4:38 AM

    pay a penalty because wgt kicks you out all the time  ( get real)

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2015 12:24 PM

    Unfortunately this is the way of the world. People do quit when playing after a bad shot, or a bad score but determining if it was because of a disconnect or if the player exited out of the window is impossible. Punishing all who did not finish a round would not be fair to those who genuinely were disconnected, or a life situation took priority.

    I do agree that joining a country club is a good way to avoid people that quit during a game due to a bad shot/score and if someone is disconnected during that round, you have a good idea that it was either due to a connection issue or something came up that took priority.

    If you were playing a credit match or Skins/Blitz game, contact CS and let them know what happened to see if you can be refunded the credits for the incomplete game. Its not ideal, as I am sure most players would have liked to finish the round but at least you may not be out the credits. 

    All the Best,

  • largemouth51
    1,212 Posts
    Sat, May 2 2015 7:44 AM

    I would just like to add that there is a new bug in the games and when you attempt to chat you get a forfeit message. Its happened to me at least 5 times in the last couple days during alt and match games



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