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Re: scoring average based tournaments

rated by 0 users
Fri, Aug 22 2014 10:22 AM (2 replies)
  • ncjohn51
    2,008 Posts
    Fri, Aug 22 2014 8:40 AM

    What are the chances of having some tournaments based on scoring average rather than tier?

    Scoring average is already balanced by tier by the difference in difficulty between tiers and would seem to be a much fairer way of setting up competitions. It would also seem more likely to get people to be willing to enter premium tournaments if they knew they were competing against people of the same scoring average as them.

    Especially for us older players who don't have the reflexes we once did, at the upper levels we will probably never be able to much improve our scoring average, even with the best equipment available. Because of that I will not be willing to compete in tournaments where I have to risk credits against Legend players who are shooting in the 60 range when I'm unlikely to ever see my average go below 70 again.

    I do realize that given enough rounds, with the average being calculated on the lowest rounds, that at some point it's going to take that small number of luckier than normal days to say that I'm better than I am. I consider this to also be unfair though I do recognize the potential for people "sandbagging" to compete below their true skill levels.

    How about considering the idea on at least a trial basis, or maybe just for some of the free tournaments to see how it works?


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 22 2014 10:02 AM

    If everyone were honest it might have worked before the short tees came in.

    Combine rampant multi accounting and every sandbagging trick in the book, and short tees that count towards average now no one knows which way is up.  

    No room for it IMHO - sadly.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Aug 22 2014 10:22 AM

    The idea might have merit if you get past the sandbagging issue. Within tiers I'd say it could work but I'm not sure WGT would bother with it. EnglishRosey did hold a few similar comps-I believe it was Legends over 64, something like that. It was also before the TL tier came out IIRC but they were quite successful.