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Re: HELP my mouse is no longer in sync with the meter

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 30 2014 10:36 AM (3 replies)
  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 12:51 PM

    No matter what system I use...Mozilla, Maxthon....etc i can no longer get the meter to stop where I want it to stop when I click my mouse and the shots are going all over the place, and I lost 3 very expensive balls!

    I have no problems with any other mouse controlled games on any other site, so it has to be a WGT problem (gee what a shock!)

    Anyone have a solution as to how can once again get the meter to stop where I want it to??? The game is unplayable right now....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 1:20 PM

    Wired or wireless? Wireless are no good for this, unless it's an expensive gaming mouse. I had the same problem a while back, and the mouse would not cooperate for the meter, but was fine everywhere else. I replaced the mouse (10.00 from Kmart Logitech M100) and the problem was solved. Sometimes, the tiny wires inside the cord break or get loose. Hope you get it fixed.

  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 9:48 AM


    Wired or wireless? Wireless are no good for this, unless it's an expensive gaming mouse. I had the same problem a while back, and the mouse would not cooperate for the meter, but was fine everywhere else. I replaced the mouse (10.00 from Kmart Logitech M100) and the problem was solved. Sometimes, the tiny wires inside the cord break or get loose. Hope you get it fixed.


    Thanks friend....I'll switch to my wired mouse and see if that works better! Thanks for the reponse!


  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 10:36 AM

    Wireless are no good for this

    ive only ever played with a wireless mouse on here and dont get many probs,just sayin.

    i had same problem when i changed to a 27" screen,i had to get the game client to the right size because in widescreen it was way off,so had to tinkle with it till i got it spot on...

    thx steve.