Turtletoto:Hello all was just wondering is it at all possible to find the c c touney results after the 30 day time frame. Need to update the records and have some results mising any advice and help greatly appreciated.
Yes it is possible. When I joined my CC back in May, I went through all of the player's scoring history to construct all of the major tourneys the club had played for their handicap system. I got lucky and was able to find all but one tourney, going all the way back to April, 2013.
We now maintain the tournament information for all of our majors in a Word Document file.
The items you won't get on the WGT CC Tournament Leaderboard are the tournament settings (tees, green speeds, pin settings and wind settings). I'd recommend you maintain those as well, as easy settings will reduce the difficulty of the tourney and difficult settings will increase the difficulty.
BTW ... if you are using the "Same Tees" setting, record this information while the tourney is still open. When it gets transferred to the "Closed" tourney link, the tee information doesn't transfer over. (WGT is aware of this bug and hopefully will get it taken care of).