Said it before...
The Nike is every bit as long as the R1 if you don't use full b/s(like a short iron when it lands w/ full b/s), I have both and compared them ...I used the R1 at STA and RSG for lower loft for awhile, now I just stick with the Nike and 1/2-2/3 b/s even with a tailwind...overall my average distance is always higher when I look at the stats after a round with nike vs R1...
Nike is much more versatile, the high ball flight really comes in handy cutting corners at most courses because you don't run through the fairway with full b/s, and seems easier to control than BB(rented it twice) have to figure it out to get max performance..
They all ALL great drivers and ALL long, one could not go wrong with any of them...I give the edge to the Nike because it is more versatile for me...use all 3 at Olympic and CCC to see what I am talking about...