I don't use pitch much but I usually see a pitch with 1/2 BS generally going up to 4 feet past approx. Full BS and I get around 1 foot past power. It depends.
I like the flop, usually w/ 90-100% BS, but a flop goes to the right when dinged so you have to adj. AIM*, or some people pre-ding on the line left and add a some power (maybe between 30-45% ) , use FBS, and that goes near 'center aim'. It goes high so wind can affect it, and depending on balls, the flop can stop fast and I use it on Pinehurst.
(* from experience I might think a flop that is dinged and aimed left will more likely drop that a flop hit pre-dinged, but I'm still testing my results)
The chip is nice in that one situation where I am too close to flop and I can expect a chip w/ no spin to travel a few feet past. (depends on a few things) Maybe 2-3 ft. but I add BS and/or take off some power. Nice to carve out of some rough (add power) near the pin. You have to be accurate and precise on meter and ding, and the aim, the chip may roll a little so watch how much your balls roll on a green's slope when you attempt a chip.
As known, a chip isn't in the air long so don't use it when you're far off the green. I think the meter on the chip is a little quicker, unless I'm mistaken, because the type of swing it is. Regardless, getting the ding right on the meter may be the key in chipping. imho
100 Holed Approach Shots Club