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Re: short game

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Mon, Sep 15 2014 12:47 AM (9 replies)
  • miker06437
    156 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 3:00 PM

    I have read and re-read and re-read umpteen times the tips on how to to pitch and chip but NOTHING sinks in.....not even close....I've played this game 2 months now and every shot under 100 yards,in rough,bunker or fairway,is a total guessing game. Maybe one time out of ten I guess right and get it within 3-4 feet of the pin.....the other 9 times it's a disaster. There MUST be a way to figure it out for idiots like me....

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 3:22 PM


    I have read and re-read and re-read umpteen times the tips on how to to pitch and chip but NOTHING sinks in.....not even close....I've played this game 2 months now and every shot under 100 yards,in rough,bunker or fairway,is a total guessing game. Maybe one time out of ten I guess right and get it within 3-4 feet of the pin.....the other 9 times it's a disaster. There MUST be a way to figure it out for idiots like me....

    Practice practice practice.  No secret formula or anything like that.  Also you may want to try the flop shot as well.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 3:45 PM


    I have read and re-read and re-read umpteen times the tips on how to to pitch and chip but NOTHING sinks in.....not even close....I've played this game 2 months now and every shot under 100 yards,in rough,bunker or fairway,is a total guessing game. Maybe one time out of ten I guess right and get it within 3-4 feet of the pin.....the other 9 times it's a disaster. There MUST be a way to figure it out for idiots like me....

    As  stated first you have to practice . You will also have to upgrade your clubs . Those starter clubs are for short term use . You will get better results with better clubs . Do the videos and surveys to earn free credits and other offers as well . Welcome to the game and I hope this helps .


  • juggss6
    121 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 4:39 PM

    Plan on spending like a hundred bucks unless you want to waste hundreds of hours on surveys and videos to get good equipment in this game.

  • mmatheus63
    421 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 8:18 PM

    And buy equipment when you reach level 40 or so.  Once there, you can purchase quality equipment that will last you several months until level 65 or so. 

    Practice is the key.  Utilize practice rounds so you can take mulligans around the green.  Try the same lie with different shots. Make notes.   Every holes plays different.  Some play long, some short, some true.

    Rules of real golf do apply here in many ways.  Example; if your in thick rough around/off the green (40/50) and 8 yds from the pin and try to chip, your ball won't travel far if you only hit the ball around 8-10 on your meter.  Your swing isn't strong enough.

    Plenty of videos here and on youtube giving tutorials.  Good luck and like my friend Timmy says... hit 'em straight


  • DakotaDog61
    115 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 2:57 PM

    Practice is the key.  Utilize practice rounds so you can take mulligans around the green.

    What I do is schedule my practice round to co-incide with my CDP turnover, and I use my CC pass at this time.

    I usually will practice a front or back 9, but taking my time with approaches. I'll hit the ball

    to different areas just to get a different lie, and try the same approach using all the available shot choices, and with a variety of clubs.

    After all is said and done, I put in 30-45 minutes of practice time, I earn my 880xp CDP, plus an XP for every stroke you take and whatever other xps accrue. It adds up to a nice way of getting xps for both me and my country club.

    Now, if only all that practice would somehow translate to performance when it

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 8:26 PM

    I don't use pitch much but I usually see a pitch with 1/2 BS generally going up to 4 feet past approx. Full BS and I get around 1 foot past power. It depends.

    I like the flop, usually w/ 90-100% BS,  but a flop goes to the right when dinged so you have to adj. AIM*, or some people pre-ding on the line left and add a some power (maybe between 30-45% ) , use FBS, and that goes near 'center aim'. It goes high so wind can affect it, and depending on balls, the flop can stop fast and I use it on Pinehurst.

    (* from experience I might think a flop that is dinged and aimed left will more likely drop that a flop hit pre-dinged, but I'm still testing my results)

    The chip is nice in that one situation where I am too close to flop and I can expect a chip w/ no spin to travel a few feet past. (depends on a few things) Maybe 2-3 ft. but I add BS and/or take off some power. Nice to carve out of some rough (add power) near the pin. You have to be accurate and precise on meter and ding, and the aim, the chip may roll a little so watch how much your balls roll on a green's slope when you attempt a chip. 

    As known, a chip isn't in the air long so don't use it when you're far off the green. I think the meter on the chip is a little quicker, unless I'm mistaken, because the type of swing it is. Regardless, getting the ding right on the meter may be the key in chipping. imho

    100 Holed Approach Shots Club

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 8:38 PM


     d every shot under 100 yards,in rough,bunker or fairway,is a total guessing game.  

    Shots under 70 yards w/ my Cleves. in 2nd cut rough I add about 10 yards but this is generally, and that's with 99% BS.

    If I'm closer, and in the sand it may be up to 11-13 yards more (so 27 = 38+)  but the spin dot I put at sand level (approx. 75% BS) . It depends if I'm close and the elevation goes up - I'll add 95% BS and hit harder to clear the bunker fringe  = UP and FORWARD. (esp. add power when close because you're choking up the wedge usually, it depends on the yardage)

    If you use a lot of BS in deep sand, your shot can vary if you 'chilli-dip' in deep sand because all that sand is affecting the ball. I usually use less BS if it gets deeper.

    ( I keep notes and write out results of an attempt: "Shot 90% power w/ my Nike 85 PW, pin was at 2 o clk in the back and at 102 yds, wind behind at 8 mph, shot went 109 , past into rough. Next time try to shave 5-7 yards, green cants F2B -  front to back, use BS)

    This works for me, it reminds me to add power to pins forward (to clear FW grass before hole) , and less when the pin is in the back because your ball rolls on the green more. But holes sometimes play long or short, writing it down is key in my book. 'Knowing is half the battle'

  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 5:50 AM

    There is no substitute to taking a practice round (bethpage back nine is good) and hitting the ball up and down the fairways and working out what club does what. For the short game, find a lie that troubles you then hit it over and over again with wedges and PW etc, taking mulligans, and work out what does what.

    It reduces the guessing game, which makes it more fun.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 12:47 AM


    What I do is schedule my practice round to co-incide with my CDP turnover, and I use my CC pass at this time.


    After all is said and done, I put in 30-45 minutes of practice time, I earn my 880xp CDP, plus an XP for every stroke you take and whatever other xps accrue. It adds up to a nice way of getting xps for both me and my country club.

    As a side note, practice rounds raise the danger of losing XPs and pass, because the game will be cancelled on disconnection, while ranked rounds may be continued.

    Why not play a tournament as your practice? Double basic XPs, enhanced safety, and those high scores won't hurt your striving for the next tier.