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Re: Didn't receive the memo...

Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:00 PM (9 replies)
  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 2:01 AM

    Did I miss the announcement explaining why WGT has been suffering from horrendous lag and server errors over the past couple of weeks?

    14 of my club members have also complained about severe lag and being disconnected in multiplayer games on a regular basis due to an 'unexpected' WGT error. I have also been experiencing the same problems recently.

    Many of us have quick internet and systems optimized for the game so it isn't that. Anyway thought I would check to see if WGT had announced a cause for the failure in case I missed the memo.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 2:12 AM

    The "memo" is issued by the mods on a weekly to daily basis:

    "We are innocent, it's all outside!"

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 3:14 AM

    It's not a failure, it's a feature.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 12:07 PM


    The "memo" is issued by the mods on a weekly to daily basis:

    "We are innocent, it's all outside!"

    The way the Internet works, web sites have no control over intermediate points in the chain of connections that exist between the web site servers and a persons computer. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:17 PM

    Is this not what I said, "all outside"?

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Sun, Sep 28 2014 12:56 AM

    The way the Internet works, web sites have no control over intermediate points in the chain of connections that exist between the web site servers and a persons computer. 

    but they would have control over their own servers and information on any known faults that could potentially be causing problems, as for publicly acknowledging such problems ...well that's a different matter.

    It could of course be completely unrelated to servers and caused by something that WGT doesn't have control over but I am receiving complaints regularly and that isn't normal.

    Whatever the case, something is up and I'm just hoping to get to the root of it. If WGT  or anyone does have any useful information I hope they can reply to this thread.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Sep 28 2014 1:47 AM

    Certainly, they will keep their business secrets. The competition may listen closely.

    And, whatever we may know, we have no influence on it. We can only take it as it is and draw our own consequences.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Sep 28 2014 7:23 AM


    The way the Internet works, web sites have no control over intermediate points in the chain of connections that exist between the web site servers and a persons computer. 

    but they would have control over their own servers and information on any known faults that could potentially be causing problems, as for publicly acknowledging such problems ...well that's a different matter.

    This.  The majority of the intermediate points in the chain of connections need no control from a website like WGT.  They are network routers and links.  Explained here.  Any connection from WGT's ISP DataPoint to a member's ISP through the network is solid.

    Problems like disconnects or slow loading lie in either WGT's server and ISP or in a member's PC and ISP


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Sep 28 2014 8:42 PM


  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:00 PM

    Well not sure about anyone else but I don't be seem to having the same problems since yesterday's update :)