I didn't even participate in the event and I didn't even know we won until someone told me. You guys figure it out. I'm gonna go play some basketball.
I don't like the way that this was responded to and it only further incites lots of players out there who are already feeling pissed off and ripped off.
Having said that I'm sure there are many players who given the same insight into a loophole would sooner exploit it rather than leave it alone (because of some sense of moral obligation).
I mean if you think about it there's a 'big shiny golden putter' waiting there and you know how to take a shortcut to get it. Is it wrong to do so? Absolutely BUT if you don't will someone else take advantage if they've also discovered the loophole? Most likley.
What will WGT do if you report the problem? Nothing, it'll be too late.
So, what happens next?
Well WGT created the problem but they can't take away the reward as they're the ones to blame so I would suggest that the winner keeps their 'Golden Putter' along with their new 'villain' reputation. They earned it.
But the decent thing for WGT to do in this case would be to review the results and give another 'Golden Putter' to the next club on the event leaderboard that did not exploit this loophole.
There's going to people who unitentionally picked up points this way but it will be clear to see who was abusing this loophole and which clubs played as per the rules (that WGT are not enforcing).
Each Club Clash will be played on nine-holes at either Bethpage Black, Kiawah or St Andrews.
Terms & Conditions:
WGT asks that you respect our on-line community and other individuals. When posting Submissions to or otherwise using the Site, the Application(s) and/or the services, you agree not to:
- Exploit any bug in the Site to gain unfair advantage in the game and communicate the existence of any such bug.
WGTadmin:Although this behavior was not intended it was not against the rules.
Finally it's WGT people should be venting towards who have upset many customers in the WGT community and not even had the decency to make a formal apology but are instead hoping for this thing to blow over even though they screwed up badly.