I'm one of those people who totally love bunker/sand shots, and have found they're not all that hard to master in general. If I had anything to say to anyone playing this game either in real life or WGT, it would be to first of all get rid of the notion that being in the sand is a bad thing. In fact, there are a lot of times where being in the sand is considerably preferable to being in the rough around the green, because you have more control in the sand, and will probably be way-closer to the hole.
A good start (at least what I've found) is that whenever you're in the sand or bunker, just use the club your caddy automatically gives you for that shot, check which direction the green is flowing (and aim in that direction), and put your shot speed roughly halfway between halfway and full on the meter, especially if you're like 40-50% buried. For shots where the hole is a really short distance away, bang your meter speed about halfway.
Like I said, this is what's worked in more situations than not for me, just using the plain 'ol standard Starter ball and wedges.