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Looking for new members

Fri, Oct 24 2014 2:19 PM (0 replies)
  • driver431
    66 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 2:19 PM

     I have had the pleasure of playing a few round this last weekend that have sparked a new direction for my club, We would like to focus on members that do not quit due to a bad hole or bad shot. As in real life perfect play does not come often if ever, We would like you to consider joining our club and create a member base that gives you the chance to complete round with others. Weather it be in club tournys or wgt multi player. We still have a ways to go for creating club tournys, 8 members shy. If you feel as I do about quitters give us a shot. I believe their are many of you that have this same frustration.

    I also feel our club should be open to all levels of players. I know that I have been advised by a more skilled player a few times and found it helpful. After all we all want to improve our games. This I feel will foster better competition and more enjoyment of a very good online game.

    So if you think this sound like a community you would like to be part of please contact me and we will get you an invite. also if you have some club experience that would be great. I would like to become a club that has a great reputation for fun and competition. We can only get their with you.
