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Re: Bikers Haven CC

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 28 2014 5:34 PM (3 replies)
  • HaroldHink
    32 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 1:21 PM

    We are looking for members who are active golf players, must be Master and above to join having Skype is a plus, if you don't have Skype we will help you get and set it up. We have 2 requirements one play some of our CC tournaments and play against other members once in awhile.  Our tournaments are designed to be fun and educational and will help lower your average. Look us up check us out and join if you wish.

  • groundsage
    184 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 7:22 PM

    As a member of Harold's CC, here is my two cents worth. 

    After joining a few CC's and either quitting or getting kicked out -- lol I was only kicked out of one CC by a very salty owner, nevertheless I have joined a few, since.  I've met a few clowns who think they are the stuff of leadership and try to head-up a group of people who will recognize the CC owner as authority. 

    Then I accidently found/met the Bikers Haven's owner, Harold.  It was a small club of three then, and not likely to have been a club that I would have noticed, except for having gotten to play a few rounds with Harold.  We skyped and played, and I've found him to be a very down-to-earth guy, and very friendly, though very quiet, kind, and very good sport. 

    His is not a club run by any power mongering personality.  He does not make us wear a club logo on our profile.  Nor does he expect members to pay homage or loyalty to him or the club.   He's just not on a power trip of any sort, but more of an affiliator and an achiever, while also a good example of a real human being that anyone can relate with. 

    What I am trying to express is that we are respected by him for the individuals that we are, and not regarded as "his" crew," "army," "fraternity," or "brothers," etc.  He rarely says "my"  CC, and is most likely heard to say "our" or "your" CC.  We are all just playing virtual golf and having a good time with others playing virtual golf, too.  Most of us are members for the opportunities that WGT offers country clubs, such as free shot pal and putter pal.  Other than that we do not all wear the same haircuts, nor do we carry any club banners that imply that our club is better than others.

    None of us are drunks, as far as I know, and we don't curse or blame WGT for our bad shots as often as we probably should.  Though there are currently still only a few of us, we usually always have someone from ours or another time zone online to enjoy a game with.  Members are reachable through Skype, and we don't need to be in available status on wgt in order to get an invite.  Sometimes our skype phone rings, and we get an invite from our other CC members through Skype.  Nowadays I seldom go online without someone to play with already-- often with a Tee time or Skype phone invite. 

    As for me, I'm not the kind of person who pays loyalty to clubs or organizations merely because I "belong"  or join/subscribe to a club or organization.  But I join organizations if they have a good cause, and I pay a lot of loyalty to good causes, not so much to clubs.  Harold's CC is a CC with a good cause-- helping other virtual golfers play and have a good time while playing and getting better at the game.  Though we are still few in numbers of members, if you join this CC you will get to know a lot of good people. real people, and many who do not live and breathe WGT, but instead have actual interesting lives with whom you may enjoy good company.

    As for CC tournaments, when they are well designed, CC tournaments can be a great learning tool for developing accuracy and precision.  I have learned a lot from playing our CC tournaments and my skill level has increased while my average has dropped significantly since I have joined this CC. 

    If you care about any of the issues that I have presented here, in the same or similare way that I do, you will fit right in with Bikers Haven virtual golfers.  And you don't have to have a bike, to join, but if you do, you'll find good conversation on the topic at Bikers Haven.


  • groundsage
    184 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 7:47 PM

    Someone recently asked me " . . . why a player has to be Master tier or above to join Bikers Haven, and so I thought it might be worthy of comment.  Most of those of us who joined as Tour Masters have tiered up to Legends already.  Our size of CC is only allowed 9 free tournaments at a time.  These are almost all played by everyone, and usually played on Tournament or Champion Speed greens, with too few exceptions, and thus not enough tournaments for the lower speed greens played on by lower tiered players. 

    Moreover, it is not that difficult to tier up to Master.  And since the CC membership has much to do with relationships among people, advancement past "Tour Pro" into the Master tier is usually indicative of people who enjoy the game enough to stay with it, and get better at it, and thus enjoy better relations among the other achievers in the group. 

    If you are not a Master yet, but want to join Bikers Haven CC, we can help you learn and qualify for membership.  Just send a note to: groundsage at or post a note on HarolHink's wall, expressing your interest, and we all will help you qualify.


  • HaroldHink
    32 Posts
    Tue, Oct 28 2014 5:34 PM

    Come on by and check us out play a few games with our members.

    Skype is a big plus because we all skype while playing makes for a friendlier game,

    more fun too.