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Re: Beaver Openings this Halloween!

Fri, Oct 31 2014 8:48 AM (3 replies)
  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Fri, Oct 31 2014 4:12 AM

    Golden Beaver Golf & Country Club chooses to remain a 50 player club. Small enough that you won't be just another member but big enough to keep the competition interesting.

    We have good player retention because our members enjoy our club but as with all clubs we have had to remove some 'inactive players' or 'deadwood' so there are some openings to join us.

    We're always interested in active members (Pro-Tour Legend), who enjoy the game , know how to have fun and participate in a CC.

    We're require players to get involved but our expectations are very reasonable and impossible not to achieve. You'll find that we're very relaxed, helpful and friendly bunch.

    We have a great community of good players a chat utility, club tournaments, tribute tournaments, challenges, competitions, an active forum, a club league and a good rapport with other top clubs.

    So if you'd like to join us please send me a message.

    WGT Golden Beaver Golf & Country Club

    Golden Beaver Golf & Country Club Website

    Thanks for reading,


  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Fri, Oct 31 2014 4:22 AM

    It seems Beaver's are the 'in' thing this year! If you're looking for a good CC to join, look no further!

    P.S  - We're very welcoming and we don't bite.......well most of us.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Oct 31 2014 6:59 AM

    Beaver(s) tend(s) to be popular every year. ;)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Oct 31 2014 8:48 AM