Wasn't going to get involved in this thread but....))
7 or 8 months back I posed that same question to my lawyers..( in the USA )
Was on a mission to hurt WGT after feeling unfairly muzzled..
After a long consultation & many $ billed hours, we came to the conclusion THAT
Whilst WGT have the legalities pretty much tied up in T n C's..
There are states around the World where a hearing on certain subjects could be aired AND the guys 'in grey' felt the case was winnable...
I wasn't prepared to shell out 800,000 grand to make it so OR try !!
( where a class action suit comes into its own ? )
I'd rather buy a new car !!
^^ Tho I do still baulk @ spending 40k on a second hand motor ! :)
Andy ( cheapskate )