Are you a senior? Would you like to be part of an active seniors club? How about a place to go and hit a few games with some friends? We have plenty to offer. We keep a full rotation of Free and Premium tourneys in play at all times. Our International community guarantees that a club member will always be available to hit with you.
Of our 200+ club members, close to 85% of them are actively participating in club tourneys or events each week!
Are you competitive? We have a full annual Majors schedule set during the dates of each of the PGA Majors. We also have plenty of extra club events.
We currently have 202 members so we have plenty of room right now. If you are a senior and would like to check us out a little more, you can click on this link that will take you to our website... http://seanmeister67.wix.com/sccc or you can reply to this post and I'll get back to you.
Sean Meyer aka ForeverHackin
Proud Owner of Senior Citizens Country Club