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Re: Comeon WGT - Beat the cheat

Thu, Nov 27 2014 3:17 PM (19 replies)
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  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 7:41 AM

    One of the problems of shutting down Multi`s is that they just start another. Verification of the account should be required. They need a work around with the gaming laws so that everyone can do it. I have tried 3 times, FL. is on the list that they cannot do it.

    But I think this would be the answer to Multi`s, at least most of them

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 8:01 AM

    If you have the WGTauto dinger there will be no need for multi accounts, playing for another player.

    I thought both the above were mainly players who had reached a tier that they couldn't dominate so, to get a some credits, they re-invented themselves. They would still reach that point even if we were all using the cheat.

    I'm trying to learn the game and that seems to be taking me forever.  Practice, experimenting , patience and imagination are among the things needed.  WGT please put practice, experimenting, patience and imagination in the pro shop as I can't be bothered with the first two and don't have the others.

    The main point is that the focus should be on stopping the cheating not ruining the game.

    Now if you have guys that have nothing else to do but  to reply on why this would not work,then I think they have way too much time on their hands.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 8:02 AM

    Lol, still can't post pictures.  Maybe these could be in the pro shop too.  This (missing) one related to stones and glass houses.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 8:32 AM

    Dodgy your  missing  the point, they will never stop ( the auto dinger or the people that slow the meter down,) thats a given, so then what do you do , you give everyone  ( that wants it) the auto dinger . 

    Now as far as knowledge of the wind, aiming for the approach ,putting ,reading the break,well thats still up to the  individual, but the hitting the ding if thats what is so important to a player ,well thats there for the taking.

    Then what are players going to complain about , this guy knows his clubs better than I do, he can putt better than me,how could they possibly pass that on to a WGT problem


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 9:24 AM

    Dodgy your  missing  the point, they will never stop ( the auto dinger or the people that slow the meter down,) thats a given, so then what do you do , you give everyone  ( that wants it) the auto dinger . 

    I really do get it, you suggest the way to get rid of cheating is to make it not cheating.

    Now as far as knowledge of the wind, aiming for the approach ,putting ,reading the break,well thats still up to the  individual, but the hitting the ding if thats what is so important to a player ,well thats there for the taking.

    I'm not sure if the auto-dinger does take into account the wind or not, but if not it doesn't seem much of an upgrade that (you've told it what equipment you're using at the start) you enter the wind it and it tells you at what % to hit what club and how far wide of the hole to aim it.  If as you suggested this was given by WGT then surely the makers of the current one would need to make theirs do more, and where does it end?

    This is just cheating and it shouldn't be encouraged.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 10:30 AM

    They could make us download a software(spybot) that allows them to monitor our computers, like basically have full access to them, and compile a mountain of useless data to go through every time someone reports a player...

    Then again people won't give them personal info much less let them do that..I for one will pass on that, thank you!


    LOL, if they could do anything about the one good meter cheat they would have already done it folks...

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 11:04 AM

    No D, you are not getting it, all it does is ding the shot , thats it no more. You have to figure the rest. For them other programs that tell u what club to use , I have tried them all and 98% of the time they are way off. 

    WGT says they like to make it as real to life as it can get. Well with the wind they are way way way off. You never  know  what that ball is going to do. Sometimes you are dead balls  accurate ,other times  you  are  way short or way long. The point of this thread was attacking the cheats. The cheats #1 weapon is hitting the ding, well with the WGT auto dinger we have just leveled the playing  field  a small bit 


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 2:11 PM

    Since turning TL I miss the ding by a hair to a pixel or two on 99% of my shots...if I ding I missed the spot I was aiming for....I would have to pass on any auto ding the "other" cheat program that slows the meter to a crawl would easily take 2-4 strokes off my scores...but with out the challenge the game would become boring quickly....I pass on any auto ding.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 2:24 PM

    I would have to agree with Dan, the game would be too easy. We all know that when we ding the shot we are all over the pin a good percentage of the time. They could slow the meter down for everyone, then there would be no reason for anyone to use an autoding.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 3:17 PM

    OK well tell that to Mag. He  does not cheat............ but wins very very very much with over 300.000 credits. Tell him the game is getting boring. That is no excuse. How else are you going to compete with a cheat? Remember we are all not like Mag. 

    People come on here and complain ,complain about cheats ,and how can we  compete , but when a simple answer is given Its no no we can't do that ,then the game would be to easy and we would get bored. So you either try to get as good as mag, get your hand eye  coordination in sink, or quit complaining about the cheats and making the game a fair playing  field .  

    I'm not WGT by any means and I'm getting tired of hearing about the cheats

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