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Re: Challenge matches

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 27 2014 1:07 PM (1 replies)
  • bigpapadotcom
    24 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 3:31 AM

    Question, how is it possible for a cometitor tostart a match then bow out after the seventh hole and be declared the winner with a score of 27??? Is this a known glitch? because it needs to be fixed!

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 1:07 PM

    Matches, challenge or not, have scores of 1 up or 2 down or all square. Thus, apparently, you speak of multiplayer strokeplay. The glitch you describe gives the win to the player with the lowest score regardless - it has no relevance at all. There is no record, no stats, and you will forget it sooner than later.

    Relax and enjoy your games!