@adam: Don't forget that you don't own the virtual clubs - you obtained a licence for the use of some software. It's more than generous that you are allowed to give this software license back in exchange of some license for credits, the "in-world currency at WGT" (FAQs). Try this with real-world licenses ;)
Gilben999:For instance, I just ran out of 6 balls I had bought because the game took them out of play. I can understand them doing that so people will spend money buying new ones. What irks me is $3.00 for 3 balls, that's insane to charge that. I can buy a dozen real balls for $12 and get more use from them.
You do what you want, but allow me some remarks:
- the ball price is at your discretion, between zero and 600+ crs per sleeve. Looking at your status and equipment, I propose a budget WGT ball. For me, it was the Tour-SD long time, at 64 crs. I played a lot then, and my spendings were 10 $ per month.
- IRL, it's much more than the ball price to pay before you stand on tee one.
Have fun!