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Re: forfeit

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 8 2014 7:24 AM (6 replies)
  • Fredd7
    38 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 9:32 PM

    Just finished a match.. we were losing in an alt. shot game by two  at the 16th hole...For some reason suddenly a message came up that I had forfeited the game. The game was ended and it looked as if I had quit. How did that happen? Is there some way that my partner quit and blamed me? 

    I have played with this guy before and he has a yellow rating for completed games. 

    I just wonder how he managed that? Anybody know?


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Dec 7 2014 11:04 AM

    How did that happen? Is there some way that my partner quit and blamed me? 
    That is exactly the case. There are, sadly, some self-centered, childlike, primitive brained adults that play here that should play alone. 

  • Fredd7
    38 Posts
    Sun, Dec 7 2014 12:30 PM

    I hope there is some way to combat this!. I don't want any idiot having the ability to affect my completion rating..I know CR is not reflective in games of alt.shot, but folks still remember and don't want to play with a quitter! If he can do it there he may be able to do it in games that do count.


    Thanks SweetiePie for your response.

  • bery111
    3,859 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 2:18 AM

    Best advice is to play people you know who do not quit games.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 6:32 AM

    I'm not even 100% sure that it affects your completion percentage if you don't actually forfeit.  I imagine if you got disconnected any of 3 times it would, but if the opponent is the one who doesn't come back for 150 seconds or actually clicks "forfeit", it may just go to him.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 7:17 AM

    I'm not even 100% sure that it affects your completion percentage if you don't actually forfeit.

    Moot. AS doesn't affect this. It did when it first came out but was changed for reasons just like the OP's situation, among other things.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Mon, Dec 8 2014 7:24 AM

    I'm not even 100% sure that it affects your completion percentage if you don't actually forfeit.  I imagine if you got disconnected any of 3 times it would, but if the opponent is the one who doesn't come back for 150 seconds or actually clicks "forfeit", it may just go to him.

    Nope - either is affected. The tag is named "completion" not "quit", and it gives a +1 only at the finishing line. Me thinks that this line is at the "Main Menu" in the game window.

    This may be the reason that A/S were excluded after a short time: One player discon/quitting would drag down three others.